
If there ever was a reason to write...

I've thought from day one that I am simply "the receiver" of this idea for the novel.. Now I can't find an explanation for what has happened. On Jan 24, 2010 I was in Ma'in, Jordan, in a cave, in a hot springs hearing stories about mythological women. We were to choose one that we felt most connected to. I didn't know many so our guide told me a story about Inanna. I thought she sounded pretty good so I said Okay I will be her. I remember thinking I wish there was one that was a little more on the creative side. For the rest of the trip and continuing emails they refer to me as Inanna.  When I got home from my trip I started to read all my old notes that I have been writing for about 7 years and haven't looked at for three and a half. (in reference to this story that Ive been trying to write.) Now this is about 40 pages and scraps of paper to go through and it looks kind of like a crazy womens wall paper. Under the Arab continent for the "message carrier" I had written Inanna. Mind you this was three 1/2 years ago and I have extensive research on seven other continents. Have no idea where it came from but lets say for the sake of argument I saw a program on TV about this Goddess of the Earth and Sky and just simply scribbled it in. The weird part is that why was this the only Goddess story that my guide in Jordan told me. Do you know how many there are? Then why did I choose it without a strong feelings attached to it. Two weeks  later when I'm reading more of my notes, I see her name again and she is the only name that is mentioned in all of my notes besides the main characters and she ends up winning  this challenge and becomes "the universal creator"of my entire story. Why wouldn't I have remember this very important name? How could it be an unfathomable coincident that there are to absolute conditions to this connection. This is impossible to explain and has given me the "power" and "purpose" to finish this apparently very important book. Kind of creepy... or as we say "synchronistic". Apparently we are being guided, which funny enough is what my book is about.

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